Create Your Destiny

Turning dreams into reality by establishing values, goals, and direction




You Want to Create Your Destiny, but There’s a Problem​

Does This Sound Familiar?

Finding Purpose in Life

Do you feel like you are made for more?

Lack of Goals

Do you want new direction in your life?

Fear of failure

Does the fear of failure hold you back from achieving your dreams?

Stuck for Years....​

Sandra Holdorf, Certified Life Coach and speaker

I get it. I spent years simply drifting through life. I had aspirations to do more. I wanted to help others. However, I lacked confidence and support. Then, I became excited about the change I could make. I joined the John Maxwell Team and the change I sought became a reality.

Signature Coaching Program

Are You Ready to Focus and Propel Your Life?​

I help individuals that are stuck. I help them establish values, goals, and direction in their lives in order to propel them to a new and rewarding life.

Ready to Live a Life You Love?

Three Steps Between You and Your Best Life

Book Your Discovery Call

Click the button below to book your free Discovery Call.

Create the Plan

I’ll help you map out a step-by-step plan to clarify what you want and how to get it

Live Your Best Life

Together we’ll put the plan into action each week and create a life you’ll love!

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